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I vecka skickade vi en uppdragsbeskrivning till en av våra kunder. Vilket är helt normalt efter en genomgång av projektet. Denna gången gjorde vi det dock med en liten tvist! Vi använde oss av iBooks Author.


iPad + företagen = sant.

iPad Takes 96% of Tablets Activated in Enterprise, iPhone Takes 53%

”Apple may appear to be the biggest tablet vendor on the planet with the company selling iPads hand over fist, but it seems that end-users are not the only ones taking a shine to the tablet.

According to new figures from enterprise mobile services vendor Good Technology, the iPad made up 96% of the tablets activated at the 2,000 companies that use its services.

The iPhone is proving popular in the enterprise also, with 53% of the smartphones activated being of the Apple variety…”

Läs mer på http://www.idownloadblog.com/2012/01/26/ipad-iphone-big-in-enterprise/